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Stechford Primary School


At Stechford Primary School we follow the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2022).

This approach introduces content through the use of 24 dispositions:

  • Being imaginative and explorator
  • Appreciating beauty
  • Expressing joy
  • Being thankful
  • Caring for others, animals and the environment
  • Sharing and being generous
  • Responding to suffering
  • Being merciful and forgiving
  • Being fair and just
  • Living by rules
  • Being accountable and living with integrity
  • Being temperate, self-disciplined and seeking contentment
  • Being modest and listening to others
  • Creating inclusion identity and belonging
  • Creating unity and harmony
  • Participating and being willing to lead
  • Remembering roots
  • Being loyal and steadfast
  • Being hopeful and visionary
  • Being courageous and confident
  • Being curious and valuing knowledge
  • Being open, honest and truthful
  • Being reflective and self-critical
  • Being attentive to the sacred, as well as the precious

The Birmingham Religious Education syllabus takes seriously the overarching aims set out for education as a whole in the 1988 Education Reform Act. These are as follows:

The curriculum for a maintained school satisfies the requirements of this section if it is a balanced and broadly based curriculum which -

  1. Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society; and
  2. Prepares such pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of adult life.

As with all parts of the R.E. curriculum at Stechford Primary School, links with the children’s own views and those of the community we share will be made. 

Children will leave Stechford Primary School with the knowledge, vocabulary and confidence to explain their own views, beliefs and ideas. They will also be able to explain their beliefs within the context of a multicultural and multi-faith community, both at a local and worldwide level. They will respect that there are other viewpoints to their own and will understand that differences of opinion do not threaten their own, but rather give them an opportunity to engage with and strengthen them. In so doing, they will contribute to the rich social fabric of which they are an integral part.


Please click on the link below to visit Brimingham Sacre website for more details:


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